Thursday, 30 May 2019



  • Using the stars and sky maps
  • Using ocean currents
  • Using birds to navigate. If near land it would fly towards it, if land was not near it would fly back to the boat.
  • Using a stick chart - curves and straight lines represent the waves and how it moves. Shells on the chart would show where islands were.
  • Using the sun - rises in the east and sets in the west
  • In the northern hemisphere, they use the north star to navigate. It shows the north direction.
  • Find the southern cross, use your fingers to draw a line from the 2 stars (longest distance apart). Extend the line about 4.5 time more. Draw a line straight down to the horizon and this is due south. East to your left, west to your right, north behind you.
  • Now you could call a friend and have them tell you the star that is directly above them, then follow that star in that direction.

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