Friday, 16 March 2018

I am poem
I Am Poem
(1) I am Deeny
I am fun and funny
I wonder if i can touch the clouds
I hear The bird chirping
I see my dads nana
I want a laptop with a mouse
(2) I am Deeny
I pretend to be the queen
I feel my nana
touch the heart off my family
I worry when my siblings get hurt I cry when someone dies
I am awesome
(3) I understand things people tell me
I say believe in god
I dream big
I try my best at work
I hope for a happy life
I am Deeny

Friday, 9 March 2018

3 RS

  1. My 3 rs are about being helpful being kind and respectful to other people .That's how you be good

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

me and my best friends

me and my best friends

I have the best friends in the world and i. will never forget them i will remember them for ever and ever and we will be friends for ever

Friday, 2 March 2018



Ko ruapekapeka toku  maunga

ko ngapuhi toku iwi

ko ngati hine te hapu

ko rawhiti te marae

ko kawakawa toku kura

ko hirini rawa ko darryl toku taina

ko sidney  toku papa

ko deralee toku mama

ko deeny ahau
no reira tena koutou tena koutou tena ra koutou katoa

My 3rs




Ko Ruapekapeka toku maunga

Ko Taumarere toku awa

Ko Ngapuhi toku iwi

Ko Rawhiti toku  marae

Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua toku waka

No te whanau Heta Hoki ahau

Ko Hirini rawa ko Darryl  toku taina

Ko  Jana toku mama

Ko Sidney toku papa

Ko Deeny toku ingoa