Monday, 25 March 2019


.Every monday morning we get to write for 20 minutes about anything
 w.e want to write about it can be false or true i am going to write about my day.
                                 ( My Day In Nga Rau Rito 

In the morning we done the roll then Kieron Ngarui and i went in to the whare kai and helped them make jelly for their project/work. When we were making the jelly we had to measure it so it could turn in to jelly if we did it wrong then maby it wouldn't work. When we were finnished mesuring the jelly and hot water we put it in to the fridge to cool, after we did that we all went back to class to do this dance while Ngarui and i helped them with there dance when the dance was finished we hade frute and milk then done some poi action then when Ngarui went up to mirror the actions i said to kieron " should i go up and help Ngarui " he said "yeah" so i went up and i helped here and we were doing it for a while then it was morning tea thank you for reading this hope you comment byyy


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